by biocharged staff

Did you know that there’s roughly 10x the number of microbial cells living in your gut than in your entire body? That’s around 100 TRILLION microbes! These cells do a bit of everything, from helping to digest food, regulating the immune system, and even producing essential vitamins.

Even more interesting, recent studies provide a glimpse into the “gut-brain axis”, which shows us that our gut health plays a direct role in our overall mood and cognitive function! In fact, around 90% of our body’s serotonin lives in the digestive tract. Who would have thought that how healthy our gut is determines how we’re feeling mentally?

Now, here’s a not-so-fun fact: an estimated 60 to 70 million people in the USA live with some form of gut issue. These include candida, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, and others.

A healthy gut is essential for a healthy body, there’s no question about it. If your gut is out of balance, you’ll feel it both physically and mentally. And with so many Americans experiencing gut issues, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re doing everything you can to ensure your microbiome is as healthy as it can be.


Microbiome issues stem from a variety of causes. There are bacteria in everything we touch and ingest, and consuming the wrong type of bacteria, like E. Coli, can cause severe stomach issues. And what’s worse, once these bad bacteria enter the gut, they can begin to thrive and outnumber the good bacteria, which causes even more issues.

Bacteria aren’t the only microorganisms living in your gut, either. Fungi can live and grow in your microbiome and create issues for you just like bacteria. For example, candida is a common type of fungus found on the skin and in the gut. A small amount of it is fine, but when an overgrowth occurs, it can wreak havoc on your digestive tract.

is your gut out of balance?

You’re probably wondering, “How do I know if I have an issue with my gut?” The truth is, because the microbiome is so vital to so many bodily functions, symptoms of gut issues can manifest in many ways. Some bloating here or there is totally normal and happens to everyone, but if you’re experiencing frequent bouts of bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal discomfort, you’re probably dealing with a microbiome issue.

Chronic fatigue is another symptom of gut issues (remember, your microbiome plays a role in your overall mental state!). Other symptoms include skin irritation, extreme food cravings, sleep issues, and unexpected weight loss or gain. Many people experience multiple symptoms at once, which can lead to a feeling of malaise.


At this point, you might be worried that you have an issue with your gut (and based on the statistics above, there’s a good chance you do). Re-balancing the microbiome can help you maintain a healthy body and mind, and there are several steps you can take to achieve optimal gut health.

First and foremost, check your diet and exercise habits. Foods that are highly processed, fried, or have excessive amounts of sweeteners in them can all cause issues with your gut. So, if you find yourself stopping for fast food often, you might want to consider a change to your diet. And while we’re on the topic of food, make sure to include foods high in prebiotics in your diet! Prebiotics are the “food” that good bacteria in your gut consume. Some examples of foods high in prebiotics include beans, bananas, berries, and oats.

Daily exercise also plays a role in the composition of your microbes and promotes a healthier gut. If you aren’t doing some form of exercise every day, adding in a light workout can have a large positive impact on your health.

To supplement your diet and exercise, consider also taking a supplement meant to improve your microbiome. Probiotics are plentiful and can be found at any health foods store. We suggest doing your research before choosing a probiotic, however, because not all are created equal. Choose a probiotic with a high level of AFU (active fluorescent units), and know which strains you are consuming, as different strains can help with different symptoms.

Our Resistor Ozonated Oil capsules are another great option. Like probiotics, Resistor helps to optimize your gut. However, Resistor can help in ways that probiotics can’t. Ozone is naturally germicidal and primarily goes after harmful pathogens. So while probiotics introduce helpful bacteria to the gut, Resistor works to actively fight the bad bacteria and fungi, getting you to a healthy microbiome faster.

Right now, you can try Resistor for 15% off with code BIOCHARGED15 at checkout. Take control of your gut health now and feel the benefits of a happy, healthy microbiome.

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